Andy Keeler, Ph.D
Program Head, Public Policy and Coastal Sustainability, CSI
Professor, Department of Economics, East Carolina University
Office: Room No. 338
850 NC 345, Wanchese, NC 27981
Phone: 252-475-5458
Fax: 252-475-3545
Email: Keelera@ecu.edu
Andy Keeler has been at CSI since August 2010. Prior to that, he was a professor of public policy at the John Glenn School of Public Affairs at Ohio State University. Keeler served as the Senior Staff Economist for Environment at the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (2000 – 2001) where he was a member of the US negotiating team for climate change and a diplomatic representative to OECD meetings on coordinating national sustainability policies. He served on the White House climate change policy teams under both President Clinton and President Bush. Keeler has also worked as a senior economist at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Innovative Strategies and Economics Group (1999-2000) and for the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (1982-1985). He has served in advisory capacities to legislative and executive agencies in Georgia, Florida, and Ohio as well as at the national level.
Research Interests
Public policy aspects of adaptation to environmental change, hazard insurance, ecosystem service assessment, integrated modeling of coastal real estate markets with environmental risk, ocean energy policy, climate change mitigation, incentive-based policy design and implementation
“A Coupled Physical and Economic Model of Coastal Real Estate Response to Climate Risk” (2013). Nature Climate Change. Joint with Dylan McNamara
“Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services Provided by Oyster Reefs” (2012) Bioscience, 62(10), 900-909. Joint with Jon Grabowski, J.H., Brumbaugh, R.D., Conrad, R., Opaluch, J., Charles Peterson, Michael Piehler, Sean Powers, and Ashely Smyth.
“Going Green Together? Brownfield Remediation and Environmental Justice.” (2012) Policy Sciences, 45(4), 293-314. Joint with Adam Eckerd.
“Sea Level Rise, Government Policy, and Economic Efficiency” (2012). The NC State Economist.
“Hybrid Institutions”: Applications of Common Property Theory Beyond Discrete Property Regimes” The International Journal of the Commons Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Joint with Laura German.
“Industrialized-Country Mitigation Policy and Resource Transfers to Developing Countries: Improving and Expanding Greenhouse Gas Offsets”, in Post-Kyoto International Climate Policy: Implementing Architectures for Agreement, Joseph Aldy and Robert Stavins, editors, Campbridge University Press: Cambridge, MA. 2009.
“Final Report of Florida Cap-and-Trade Project Phase I”, report for the Florida Department of Environmental protection, available at “http://www.cefa.fsu.edu/uploaded%20current%20projects/Phase%201%20Report%20DEP%20Final%20_06-08-09_.pdf
“State Commission Electricity Regulation Under Federal Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Policy” The Electricity Journal 21:4, 2008, pp 19-30.
“Life Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis of Extensive Vegetated Roof Systems” Journal of Environmental Management 87 (3), 2008, pp. 350-363. Joint with Tim Carter.
“State Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies: A Move in the Right Direction?” Policy Sciences 40(4), 2007, pp, 353-365.
“Farm Level Irrigation and the Marginal Cost of Water Use: Evidence from Georgia,” Journal of Environmental Management 80, 2006, pp. 311-317,. Joint with Yassert Alvarez-Gonzalez and Jeffrey Mullen.
“Coastal Erosion Management from a Community Economics Perspective: the Feasibility and Efficiency of User Fees” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 37:2, 2005, pp. 451-46. Joint with Warren Kriesel and Craig Landry.
“Sequestration Rental Policies and the Price Path of Carbon”.” Climate Policy 4 (4), 2005, 419-425.
“Tax Interaction Effects, Environmental Regulation, and “Rule of Thumb” Adjustments to Social Cost.” Environmental and Resource Economics 30, 2005, 73-92. Joint with Brian Murray and Walter Thurman.
“Pooling of Uncertainty: Enforcing Tradable Permits Regulation when Emissions are Stochastic,” Environmental and Resource Economics 29 (4), 2004, pp. 459-481. Joint with Janusz Mrozek.
“Contract-Based Trading Programs in Environmental Regulation.” Contemporary Economic Policy 22, 2004, pp. 526-533.
“Financing Beach Improvements: Comparing Two Approaches on the Georgia Coast,’ Coastal Management Journal 32 (4), 2004, pp. 433-447. Joint with Warren Kriesel and Craig Landry.
“An Economic Evaluation of Beach Erosion Alternatives.” Marine Resource Economics 18 (2), 2003, pp. 105-127. Joint with Warren Kriesel and Craig Landry.
“Expanding the National Flood Insurance Program to Cover Coastal Erosion Damage.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35 (3), 2003, pp. 447-455. Joint with Warren Kriesel and Craig Landry.
“Water — A Public Resource Or A Commodity”: What Are The Real Policy Questions?,” November 2003, (http://www.cviog.uga.edu/water/whitepapers/index.html) . Joint with Ron Cummings and Ben Thompson
“Designing a Carbon Dioxide Trading System: The Advantages of Upstream Regulation,” July 2002 (http://www.cpc-inc.org)